Living Tradition.
Culture & Tradition.
This has a high importance with us.
Many festivals and events throughout the year show the diversity and the culture of our region, which has been preserved for years.
Winter Sports Museum.
Tat sledges. Single-deck technique. Never heard of it?
In the "Troadkasten" in Haus im Ennstal, which incidentally also houses a public library, you can learn all about the beginnings of winter sports.
Wool world.
Take a look behind the scenes of the local loden factory Steiner1888.
Experience old craftsmanship at its best. In Mandling.
Alpine lamb festival.
800 sheep, which keep the slopes of Hauser Kaibling in summer. That should be celebrated. Once a year the Styrian Alms Lamb Festival takes place. With culinary delicacies, great children's programme and live music.
Always on the last Sunday in July.
Mid Europe.
One of the biggest brass music festivals in Europe. 35 orchestras from around 15 nations. classical music. pop. rock jazz. Bohemian brass music.
In July in Schladming and in Haus im Ennstal.
Aicher Herbst Culture.
Tradition and modernity. Folk music. Jazz. Classical music. Cabaret. theatre. Literature. Funfair. Thanksgiving.
A special festival.
Weißenbach Theatre Days.
A small village becomes a big theatre stage. People are having fun. They are amazed. They get inspired to think.
The somewhat different SommerTheaterFest. So they say.